“Leave your affairs in order, write your legacy for now and preserve your legacy for the future. Write your life and create a personal and public legacy”

About Us

LifeWritr is about one thing above all–preserving your legacy. We build and protect your private legacy by preparing personal notes for your family and loved ones, as well as organizing the critical documents and information that those you care about will need to help them in the aftermath of your passing. We also help you create a public legacy by sharing the experience and knowledge you have gained throughout your life as you see fit.

LifeWritr knows that most people out there aren’t leaving millions of dollars in a trust to those they care about when they pass. With this in mind, we’ve designed an experience which–while capable of helping anybody–is tailored to quickly, conveniently, and cheaply help the average person looking to responsibly plan for their future.

Satisfied Clients

Easy Process


Percent Private

What We Do

Just In Case

Our Just In Case tools help you organize your information for your heirs, so they have your guidance in dealing with your affairs. It will help you organize critical information for them, leave personal messages, and share the wisdom you spent a lifetime accumulating. It starts with a questionnaire, which is a quick process which can be easily completed within 10 minutes, and updated whenever your circumstances change. Once it is done, your account will have a personalized list of tools to organize your legacy that can be completed at your leisure and shared with those you trust most.

Write Your Legacy

Share as much or as little as you like and, above all, prepare your Legacy for the future! You can share funny stories with the world at large, and tell your story, as your own little slice of digital immortality.. What you share is completely up to you and can be done at your own pace, with different sharing settings of each piece you write, and each form you complete. What you share publicly and keep privately is your call, and we won’t share anything without your permission.

Chronicle the Years

You can also leave a private Legacy to your friends and family, all while staying in touch! You can describe yourself, write and collect annual letters to your loved ones, and assemble those letters into a chronicle of your life. This private legacy of yours combines the things you’d rather share with a few select people, like our free annual letters to friends and family, information about your estate from the Just In Case Tool, and key lessons you want to teach for the future.

Live Worry-Free

Finally, your Legacy may be shared with another user, a LifeReadr of your choosing–somebody you trust to hold the information your loved ones will need. This LifeReadr, once you add them and they accept, will have access to some or all of your private legacy. You can give them access to your letters, your Just In Case tool, your own private musings, and more. You may have more than one LifeReadr and may select which information each LifeReadr has access to, to pass down on your behalf. They’ll only have access to what you give them; everything else will be kept private. Then, you can rest easy knowing that you’re prepared and ahead of the game. Take a load off and go forth and continue writing the story of your incredible life.

Ready to Start?

Browse our pricing plans, give the free version a whirl, and secure your legacy for your loved ones.

Privacy and Security

LifeWritr is made of a team of privacy specialists and attorneys, so your privacy and data security is very important to us. We never sell your data, and we only share the bare minimum needed for third party vendors to assist us in providing the LifeWritr service to you, and you can read more about how we manage your data in our Privacy Policy.

We use industry standard data security practices through Amazon Web Services and our own site design, and recommend your keep truly sensitive data in the most secure format possible:  written on paper, in a safe place.

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